Evangelist Fikelephi Jackson is an award winning published author with her successful book, titled ‘Against All Odds I Survived!’ she is a sought-after activist. Her passion is to see positive transformation in the lives of men and women who ordinarily might not have had a good chance at succeeding in life. Her work has included the support of safeguarding and protecting Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) women and children in recent times.

Evangelist Fike, who is also a Humanitarian who has a passion to see souls saved for Christ through missions work. She also has a burden to end abuse and violence against women and children;  supporting and providing relief for victims, survivors and people who are vulnerable to domestic violence / abuse and discrimination in UK communities and abroad. Many survivors are orphans and widows. She works to see lives restored hope, both of which contribute to the evolution of secure and robust communities.

Supporting the vision of New Wine Church, especially in the areas of evangelism and insights into her discovery in the areas of humanitarian programs and church planting.